Student Assistance Program

Our CWCTC SAP team is able to help students

  • Gain assistance with academic needs
  • Receive mental health care
  • Provide food backpacks

In order to receive assistance, a student will need to have a SAP referral completed. This can be done by the teacher, a friend, the student themself, or a parent.

To view the SAP referral form, please click HERE.

Please keep this handy if you need help. No one has to go through things alone.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255

Suicide Crisis Hotline 724-864-4357

Westmoreland County Crisis Hotline 724-547-0285 or 1-800-836-6010

Latrobe Hospital Mental Health:  724-537-1650

National Domestic Violence Hotline:   (800) 799-SAFE (7233)

PA Childline 1-800-932-0313

Safe to Say: 1-800-SAF2SAY —-

Calming Ideas

Your local high school counseling office webpage may also have links to help you. Play some calming music —– Do a workout video —- Reach out and talk to friends and family —- Make a meal together with family and friends when you can —- Be sure to sleep and keep to a regular schedule.

Find something good each day.

But with everything — just know you are not alone. Know that many people are experiencing similar feelings. You might feel scared, confused, overwhelmed, angry, alone, grateful, or completely calm. These feelings can come and go. And every one of us has different reasons for feeling the way we do.

Your feelings are normal; the situation is not.

Don’t forget to take a deep breath and just breathe.