Computer Information Science
Students in the Computer and Information Classroom will be instructed in various programming languages, IT Fundamentals, Network and PC Technician responsibilities, Cyber Security. Students will gain an understanding of computer fundamentals, HTML, Javascript, CSS, C++, Java, Linux Operating Systems, Hardware, and Software. Students will build and troubleshoot PC’s, develop web pages and sites and will learn to troubleshoot backend and frontend applications in a variety of workplace environments.
Skills Learned:
Some of the skills and software a student will be learning are Computer Fundamentals, Hardware, Software, Operating Systems, HTML, Web Design, Java & JavaScript Programming, and the Linux Operating System.
Related Occupations and Earnings:
Related occupations include Programmer Analyst, Systems Analyst, Web Developer and Help Desk Support. Earnings range between $10-$22/hour.

Post-Secondary Opportunities:
Articulated credits can be earned toward a College Degree at local universities and institutions. Click on the icon to see current Articulations.
Mr. Pino – Computer Information Science Instructor
Phone Number – 724-925-3532 x. 1325
Office Hours: 7:15am to 7:45am
2:30pm to 2:45pm
Please leave a voicemail message outside of these times.
Suggested Prerequisites:
- Algebra I & II
- Geometry
- Chemistry
- College Prep English I-IV
Industry Certifications:
- TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro
- TestOut PC Pro
- TestOut Network Pro
- TestOut Security Pro
Student Requirements:
- Active Listening
- Controlled Precision
- Complex Problem Solving
- Manual Dexterity
- Multi-Task
- Visualization
- Information Ordering
Student Costs:
Text Book:
- IC3 Computer Basics – Computer Literacy culminating in certification
- Microsoft Word 2013 – Shelly – Cashman
- Microsoft PowerPoint – Shelly – Cashman
- Microsoft Excel – Shelly – Cashman
- Microsoft Access – Shelly – Cashman
- Microsoft Visual Basic.NET – Shelly – Cashman
- Java 2: Oracle Internet Academy – Schildt