Automotive Mechanics Technology
Students who choose this program will be prepared to work with the latest technology that will provide them with the skills needed to repair, service, and maintain automobile systems and their components. Students will receive instruction in brake systems, electrical systems, fuel systems, engine performance and repair, suspension and steering, and air conditioning. Critical thinking skills will be employed and strengthened through the diagnosis and repair of current model vehicles. System training simulators are utilized and students will learn the procedures for State Inspection and Emissions.
Skills Learned:
Some of the skills a student will be able to perform are found in the Pennsylvania Program of Study and the ASE MLR Task List.
Related Occupations and Earnings:
Related occupations include Automotive Technicians, Service Writer and Parts Counter Technician. Earnings range between $13-$24/hour.

Post-Secondary Opportunities:
Articulated credits can be earned toward an Associate’s Degree at Institutions such as Commonwealth Technical Institute, Johnson College and Pennsylvania College of Technology.
Mr. King, Mr. Lewandowski & Mr. Pegg – Automotive Mechanics Technology Instructors
Phone Number – 724-925-3532 x. 1363, 1335 & 1362
Office Hours: 7:15am to 7:45am
2:30pm to 2:45pm
Please leave a voicemail message outside of these times.
Suggested Prerequisites:
- Art Courses
- Chemistry
- Algebra I & II
- Geometry
- College Prep English I-IV
Industry Certifications:
- PA State Safety Inspection & Emissions
- SP2 Safety/Pollution
- A4
- Lifting it Right
- EPA 609 Refrigerant
Student Requirements:
- Active Listening
- Physical Strength
- Manual Dexterity
- Multi-Task
- Use in Personal Protective Equipment due to dust and fumes
Student Costs:
- Work uniform (two-piece blue shirt and pants)
- Work shoes (leather)
- Safety Glasses
Text Book:
- Auto Body Repair 3rd Edition by Delmar
- Condensed Version IML by University of Missouri Columbia